
Basic Facts:

Commonly known as Loosestrife (but not closely related to Lythrum which is known as Purple Loosestrife

Garden Use:

Some are very easy grow, spreading by underground stems and totally hardy in the UK. There are some species that are less reliable so check before buying. Those we list are hardy.

Wildlife Interest:

Superb for bees and butterflies

Cut Flower Use:

Not tried.


Most varieties hale from wet, boggy soils where they will spread quite quickly to rampantly. We grown them in dry poor soils where they perform well and spread less far and more slowly


Divide any time not in flower. Coloured leaf types may not come true from seed.

Pests and Diseases:

Nothing specific. We haven't noticed any slug damage.


A member of the Primula family.

Lysimachia ciliata Firecracker

Bold burgundy foliage is the perfect foile for the pale yellow flowers. About 1ft 6in / 45cm tall in flower. This can be a rampant spreader in good condition but brilliant for clothing a dry, sunny bank. Treat it mean to keep it keen.

Lysimachia punctata Alexander

Varieted form of the old cottage garden favourite. Spreading but not too rapidly. Lovely cream edged leaves. About 2ft / 60cm tall. Flowering Jun-Aug.

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